Friday, November 20, 2009

Blatantly Blatant

It's odd that I'm writing this for today's post. Why is it so odd? Well, this Shabbat we have a Shabbaton so I don't have to do any cooking. On the agenda today is changing the beds, 1-2 loads of laundry, setting two timers, vacuuming the stairs, putting up the hot water urn and bathing the girls. It sounds like a lot all written out, but when you think of what I'm not doing (making challot, cooking, baking, salad prep, setting the table, etc.) it makes me wonder how I can even consider running out of time.

Shamelessly stolen from Hadassah at In the Pink.

Anything you want to know about me? Got some ideas for finishing up NaBloPoMo without resorting to tactics like this? C'mon and help a tired Ima out!