Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Carnival Thoughts (and a picture)

Today is the blog carnival and I'm at a loss as to what to write. I had wanted to present a beautiful, well-written essay that exemplifies some of Mothering's core values and the way it is reflected in my life.

But I'm not going to.

I was laid out Monday evening with a migraine. Tuesday I was almost better and went to Disneyland with the girls anyway. That evening the migraine started reviving and I'm sharing my Wednesday with a low-grade migraine that I'm combating with pretty much everything I have. Good week to have a Shabbaton and not need to prepare any Shabbat meals! Yay!

Now I'm back to where I started, though. What to write? As I thought about this more and more my left eye starts throbbing and I realize that this is what I'm writing.

I have long and often remarked that attachment parenting should be rebranded as responsive parenting. A parent needs to respond to the needs of the child and the family unit and work towards a common goal. That means Ima's needs also need to be responded to and met. Right now I need to relax and rest and not worry about a blog post.

So that's where I'm headed now. First, though, a gratuitous photo from yesterday...

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