Thursday, March 04, 2010

We Are Three Triplets!

I find myself in a bit of the same predicament as many of the mommy bloggers I follow. The original goal of blogging is no long relevant. Or no longer inspiring. Or no longer fitting into my day. Part of it is a bit of melancholy over my girls growing up. Diapers, woolies and carriers need to be sold. The week is filled with outings and activities. Free time is no longer time to be spent glued to my laptop. I've also been fighting off some SAD which should be easing as the sun emerges from our oddly gloomy winter. I'm also still battling with the bronchitis that started during October's trip to New York.

As we come up to the time change, our daily routine is being adjusted and I've added in specific writing time which should help. I find when I start writing I can't stop. Pesah is coming and I have a few ideas for projects to occupy the girls and get them interested in the story. I also have a list of things I want to write reviews of.

"But Miriam, what have you and the girls been doing lately?" I hear you ask.

We've been using up our passes to the various museums, zoo and the aquarium before their various expirations. We've also gone on a couple field trips with the LA Jewish Homeschooling group and have a few more coming up. I've been busy cleaning for Pesah and knitting birthday dresses.

The title is from Shira's answer to Cinderella when asked if they were all sisters.