Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Dad is finally a slinging man! Shabbat night, all three girls were wailing away and we couldn't seem to get them all calm. Finally, Shira was in her bouncy seat on the dining room table staring at the lights and I had Batya in a sling. Ron couldn't get Chaya to calm down and I finally convinced him to put on the sling I bought for him. She calmed immediately and once she was comfy, she went to sleep. I wish Ihad been able to take a picture!

Then, Sunday morning, we took the girls to the BH farmer's market. They were in their triple stroller and we got all the comments and questions and stares. It was actually a lot more annoying than usual because we wanted to have a nice morning out. So we left early and on the way back, Ron says that in the future, we'll take the double stroller and he'll carry one. Soon I'm going to need to buy him more slings!!