Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

Well, not a dollar short, but isn't that how the saying goes? And I could keep this post for next Monday (since it is a musing) but I won't. I'm wicked crazy like that.

I'll be honest. I've been having a rough time of it lately. I feel a bit lost and like the girls are out of control. I know that I "put my best foot forward" here and even IRL. It is one of my attempts to be positive. By writing about fun days and cute moments I hope that I can focus on those and not the times that Shira screeches at me or Batya decides to take her diaper off and pee on the floor or when Chaya won't stop whining.

But a post on The Artful Parent got me thinking about what I want to share and what I want to show. Do I just want to show the good times? Do I want people to think that I'm supermom as I was recently told I was? Do I want to appear to be the calm and collected mom to three toddlers who still knits, sews, does art and bakes bread? Well, to be honest, I wouldn't mind if everyone thought that. I like doing those things and I don't mind that people think it is special and neat.

But at the same time, I don't. I feel a bit phony and like I can't share the stress and the troubles. So I'm going to try to show it all in the future. At least, as much as I can. We'll see how it goes.

And just so you know, this post started out being about the day the girls and I had. But then I wanted to explain the push behind it. Then I wanted to explain how it came up. Then I found that I had written this long thing so I think I'll take my time getting all the pictures uploaded so that this post can stay at the top for a bit. Like I said, wicked crazy. *snort*