Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Knitterly Stuff

It occurred to me last night that I haven't posted anything crafty lately. So, here is a crafty fix.

I've been plugging away at the girls' Josephs. I got everything finished last night and it is now drying. Hopefully I can start seaming them tonight.



You might notice that Shira's jacket (the red one) seems quite a bit larger than the other two. That was my big error on these pieces. I knit Chaya's first and entered it in Ravelry. Then I let it sit for a while before I cast on Batya's. I knit her back and part of the right front when I decided to update Ravelry. Then I noticed that I was using 13s instead of 17s as listed. I measured the backs against each other and they were roughly the same so I figured I was fine. I finished Batya's and used 17s when I cast on Shira's.

When I was photographing them last night I figured out what I did. I didn't mix up needles. I used 13s on Chaya's and wrote down 17. Luckily Shira is the largest of the girls. Batya might have some length issues with the sleeves so I'm going to seam Chaya's and try it on Batya so I can add some length as needed.

Next time I need to be more careful with what needles I'm using. I'm thinking a piece of blue painters tape on the reverse with all the info on it so that if the items gets separated from the pattern or needles I have a record. Or I could just double check my notes on Ravelry.

I've also swatched up Cambridge Jacket for Aba and Pearl Buck Swing Jacket (Ravelry links) for me. Though I have a few other sweaters I'd like to make for me so I haven't decided which one to start with. I haven't touch Absorba. I need to get to that, though. I have all of the Ugly Betty eps from this season saved on the DVR so I might force myself to work on Absorba while watching them.