Happy Birthday to me!
I've noticed lists like these on a few blogs and love the idea, so here it is:
36 Things to do Before I'm 37
- Learn to knit cables
- Learn kitchner stitch
- Dye yarn
- Grow tomatoes
- Complete my "100 Things That Make Me Happy" mini book.
- Get our emergency preparedness stuff up to snuff.
- Go roller skating
- Guerilla gift someone
- Yarn bomb Beverly Hills
- Have smores at the beach with a bonfire
- Go on a hike
- Run a 5K
- Take a self-portrait every day of my 36th year (barring days when it is halachically impossible like 2nd day of Yom Tov)
- Make soft pretzels
- Have family portraits taken
- Get my hair cut by a professional
- Format and set-up my computer all by myself
- Have the perfect skirt (or three) made
- Learn to sew
- Complete my knitting to-do list
- Get rid of my hametz before Pesah instead of selling it
- Conquer the basement
- Use it or lose (craft stuff)
- Put the 2009 tax stuff away when done with it.
- Make sourdough bread
- Give Blood
- Go to a drive-in movie
- Learn to darn my knitted goods.
- Have a spa day
- Finish the posts that are languishing in my draft folder
- Attend the Torah Home Education Confrence
- Attend BlogHer
- Work out a soaked flour recipe for challah
- Get all of my digital pictures organized and backed up
- Complete a machsom l'fi
- Learn to dance