Wednesday, January 27, 2010

36 Things to do Before I'm 37

Happy Birthday to me!

I've noticed lists like these on a few blogs and love the idea, so here it is:

36 Things to do Before I'm 37
  1. Learn to knit cables
  2. Learn kitchner stitch
  3. Dye yarn
  4. Grow tomatoes
  5. Complete my "100 Things That Make Me Happy" mini book.
  6. Get our emergency preparedness stuff up to snuff.
  7. Go roller skating
  8. Guerilla gift someone
  9. Yarn bomb Beverly Hills
  10. Have smores at the beach with a bonfire
  11. Go on a hike
  12. Run a 5K
  13. Take a self-portrait every day of my 36th year (barring days when it is halachically impossible like 2nd day of Yom Tov)
  14. Make soft pretzels
  15. Have family portraits taken
  16. Get my hair cut by a professional
  17. Format and set-up my computer all by myself
  18. Have the perfect skirt (or three) made
  19. Learn to sew
  20. Complete my knitting to-do list
  21. Get rid of my hametz before Pesah instead of selling it
  22. Conquer the basement
  23. Use it or lose (craft stuff)
  24. Put the 2009 tax stuff away when done with it.
  25. Make sourdough bread
  26. Give Blood
  27. Go to a drive-in movie
  28. Learn to darn my knitted goods.
  29. Have a spa day
  30. Finish the posts that are languishing in my draft folder
  31. Attend the Torah Home Education Confrence
  32. Attend BlogHer
  33. Work out a soaked flour recipe for challah
  34. Get all of my digital pictures organized and backed up
  35. Complete a machsom l'fi
  36. Learn to dance